surfers, if u really love the sea...
Was stumbling on the internet to find more information for my final paper about sustainable fashion in Brazil and founded these amazing bags by Cavalera made out of cement bags.
Back to me, I still bough a bag haha but is a hand made bag by this small Taiwanese company that re-uses materials and fabrics. Felt 'less guilty' :P
x tchau
small village x big heart

getting inspired...
The Future of Fashion from the GreenShows
sustainable awareness
More taiwan, more textiles ;)
Tchau x
Buying in Brazil x
Fashion Week in Brazil • Runwayscoop.com • |
You can see clearly the difference between social classes…Mid-upper classes get to a point of having a nanny and a driver, simply because people do need to work, and work for very low salaries.
Textile design Class

Just wanted do share what I did not long ago.
Had an assignment to use plants and flowers to create a patter design. Apparently this is how Indian kids in primary schools learn in order do start training their brain about colors and patterns...
I basically turned my doorm into a mini-Amazon forest... is has been more than a month and I still got lil bugs and ants every now and then.. lol
The hardest thing was cleaning all this plants in the lil toilet I've got here since I picked almost everything from the ground..sorry for the 'alive ones'... :\
Starting to be aware x
Ok. It has been a while since my first and only post. Truth to be told, I almost gave up in having a blog. Especially with so much stuff that I have been doing here in Taiwan!
But I have been doing a lot of research and since I am really interested in Textile and Sustainable Design, I realized that there are just way to many blogs that interests me and I do want to follow.
One of my courses is Fashion Seminar and my final project is to present a seminar…I have chosen to research about Sustainable Fashion in Brazil and its natural recourses.
Found some good websites (mentioned on the ‘following’ list).
It’s the first time that I am learning about something like this and I can’t find the right words to express how excited and thrilled this makes me.
For the first time I feel that I can truly help the World (I used to think that yeah, I will help the World…but was more like a hope. Now its like YEAHHH!)
Here are some parts of my assignment paper about Slow Fashion:
Slow fashion can promote sustainability in fashion industry
Urban life emphasizes the need to monitor and update one's self-performance. This imperative to be self-conscious is a distinguishing feature of modernity, and is so naturalized that each of us plays multiple roles and has various styles of appearance on the understanding that the assertion of identity through appearance is a matter of constant urgency. Thus, fashion industries are deeply implicated in the manufacture of ‘personality’ and ‘needs’ to be fast and in constant change to satisfy all different tastes. However, these tastes are constantly being influenced by advertisings, therefore, in constant change.
The World is tending to follow an ambitious attitude where people constantly want more and more. Principles and ideals have been replaced for materialism and individualism, leading the society a want to compete. Compete to ‘look good’ or ‘have the latest item’. This conducts us to a world that produces more, uses more resources and by the end, wastes more (lack of concern for environmental issues).
Cheaper garments are made (human exploration), consequently a low quality is handed and more money is used.
Based on what was just said, the word ‘Slow fashion’, becomes a contradictive term since ‘fashion’ is related to ‘change’ and ‘speed’.
‘Slow fashion’ can be considered as a movement. A movement that redefines the ‘fashion’ ideal. A movement based on the making of clothes and identity instead of ‘image’ and ‘looking good’. Is a slower approach to reconfigure and make people think about things that really matters in the world.
‘Slow fashion’ is a sustainable approach based on new design strategies, production, use and re-use considering environmental issues.
However, since quality is related to accessibility, people have to educate them self’s, search for the essence of whatever they are going to buy. They will need to redefine their needs and priorities in order to have a more emotional connection to each piece they purchase.
It wont be just about physical durability but also about emotional durability.
People will value what they have, and value the work of who made it (with ‘slow fashion’ the re-use of available resources and hand made products it would become a common practice).
Slow Fashion is not just a new design approach. It is also a new strategy to bring the world together, changing ideals and really reconsider what we already have and re-use it.
Here I am! Finally starting a BLOG! What made me do this?
Well, I kinda hate facebook so I guess this is a way I can truly do someting while I am bored and still share my stuff with people that really are intested in something besides uploading pictures... lol (I guess I should appologise for half of the world population lol.)
Born in Portugal, raised up in Macau (China) but proudly a Braziliannnn!!
Have been traveling once and then around for the past 2 years and whenever I am back, people epect to hear this awsome stories that I tend to forget :P
So this time, since I don't have a proper diary like I used to when I was 13, I'm gonna share as much as possible my experiences and maybe my work.
Been studing Design and this is finally my last year. Don't ask me what kind of design, because I bet ya I did a bit of everything!
Right now, I am in TAIWANNNN! Doing an exchange program for my second last semester and will be studing Fashion and Textile Design (and of course Mandarin).
Hope you enjoy and please leave any comments as you wish xxxx
Tchau x
p.s. in case you are wondering why this blog it's called milk... That is my name, but in portuguese lol x